Emergency service in case of a cyber incident

We will help your organization in the event of a hacking attack, data leakage or other IT security breach. We will provide full service – from the analysis and removal of a cyber threat, through corrective actions, to minimizing the effects of the incident.

  • Quick and professional liquidation of cyber incidents
  • Mitigating the consequences and minimizing damage
  • Constant support of cybersecurity experts

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    Only some companies can afford to employ highly qualified cybersecurity experts with experience in efficient handling of cyber incidents and mitigation their consequences.

    The number of companies affected by cyber incidents is growing every year and this trend will not change.

    83% of companies around the world experienced more than one cyber incident*

    *Report of the IBM „Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022”

    Small and medium-sized enterprises and public institutions are particularly vulnerable to attacks by cybercriminals. These, also due to the shortages of specialized, extensive security systems – which, unlike them, are at the disposal of large corporations – are an easier target for hackers.

    If you don’t have a cyber incidents response team and you want to be sure that you protect your organization in case when:

    • computers are infected with malaware,
    • personal data is leaked or protected, relevant data for your business,
    • you won’t be able to access the systems and the data processed therein,

    take advantage of our ongoing support as a part of the Virtual Incident Manager service.

    Virtual Incident Manager is a subscription service dedicated to medium and small companies – those that run their business activities based on IT and OT technologies, as well as those for whom IT solutions support everyday management.

    Ask about service

    How do we handle incidents?

    We accept the application and register it
    We conduct the preliminary analysis, confirm whether we are dealing with an incident, assess its scope, range and impact
    We classify the incident and assign its priority – critical, high or low
    We mitigate the consequences of the incident / minimize the damage
    We prepare a plan for corrective and preventive actions
    We support you with restoring systems and lost data
    We verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions
    We coordinate the work of external service providers in the cyber area (e.g. PR agencies, law firms, insurers)
    We collect evidence and conduct root cause analysis
    We carry out preliminary activities in the computer / IT forensics area
    We perform the post incident analysis
    We take preventive actions to reduce the likelihood of a similar event occurring in the future or to minimize its impact

    3 main advantages of Virtual Incident Manager

    Quick reaction
    You can count on our action in accordance with the established scenario – so that you feel as little as possible that the incident took place at all
    Guarantee of effectiveness
    You gain a guarantee of the effectiveness of our methods and protection in accordance with the latest level of knowledge
    Optimizing your expenses
    You don’t have to maintain your own team, buy advanced tools and reduce costs related to the consequences of an incident

    Are you interested in an individual valuation? Do you want to know more?

    Send a contact request. We will contact you.

    Contact us

    Tailored incident handling

    We prepare the valuation of the service based on your individual needs, the condition and size of your organization’s IT infrastructure, the security solutions implemented in it, and other factors.

    Check the possible scope of work as part of permanent cooperation
    Available in the service
    Incident registration
    Initial incident analysis
    Incident classification
    Incident prioritization
    Action plan as part of the further handling of the incident
    Incident impact mitigation
    Implementation of recovery actions
    Post-incident analysis
    Implementation of corrective actions
    Check the possible scope of work as part of permanent cooperation
    Available in the service
    Incident registration
    Initial incident analysis
    Incident classification
    Incident prioritization
    Action plan as part of the further handling of the incident
    Incident impact mitigation
    Implementation of recovery actions
    Post-incident analysis
    Implementation of corrective actions

    We will deal with the cyber incident before it works to your detriment

    For over 13 years, we have been managing security and ensuring the resilience of our clients’ IT services. We provide support to organizations from various industries, sectors and sizes. We always adjust our activities individually to the needs of the company, depending on the solutions it has.

    In the Virtual Incident Manager service, we combine extensive competences and many years of experience of experts with advanced technologies. All this to increase the level of cybersecurity of your company, regardless of the area in which you operate and how many employees you employ.

    Join our Clients

    We respond to IT incidents that threaten your organization

    Critical incident
    causes or may cause a degradation or complete interruption of organization’s critical services, is associated with a serious cybersecurity breach, has negative impact on critical systems, devices and network, undermines the organizations’s credibility and reputation, requires the extrenal parties and institutions involvement, eg. Police, the Personal Data Protection Office, the relevant CSIRT or taking custody chain and/or computer forensics actions
    High incident
    causes or may cause a reduction of organization’s key services, but doesn’t lead to their complete interruption, violates cybersecurity, affects a non-critical systems, devices and the network that supports delivery of key services, affects the organization’s credibility and reputation, may require an external services and institutions commitment as well as undertaking the custody chain and/or computer forensics actions
    Low incident
    an event that has or may have an adverse impact on cybersecurity, is handled at the organization level, requires registration to monitor trends and take appropriate corrective actions

    Do you have any questions? Contact us!