How to protect against hackers? Cybersecurity and social engineering training for companies

Regardless of the type of the organization, employees are the weakest link in cybersecurity. We will provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain digital security.

  • According to best practices
  • Possibility to adapt the program to your requirements
  • Stationary or online

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    Human factores accounts for 95% of workplace safety violations!*

    Knowledge and education of employees are crucial for the cybersecurity of an organization. Even the best security measures will not be effective if users do not learn to use the internet responsibly and recognize potential threats.

    The aim of our training is to build the competencies of the participants in an accessible and engaging way, while also encouraging them to further deepen their knowledge.

     *according to the IBM Cyber Security Intelligence Index

    Cybersecurity and social engineering training is addressed to all companies whose employees use the internet, computers, and other network-connected tools on a daily basis.

    The aim of the course is to familiarize participants with current methods of cyber attacks and provide reliable ways to defend against such events according to best practices in the field of ICT security. This training is intended for all employees, regardless of their level of technical knowledge.

    The training is designed for organizations that want to protect their data and resources, reduce the likelihood of business continuity interruption, and gain a competitive advantage.

    See full schedule

    During the cybersecurity and social engineering training, participants will learn:

    Collection techniques for gathering information about potential victims
    The most popular attack vectors
    Real-life attacks and practical examples, quizzes to reinforce learning
    Best practices for using internet-connected devices
    Rules for creating secure and memorable passwords
    The most effective methods of defense against cyberattacks

    We will train your team stationary or online

    We will tailor the training to your organization’s needs and the participants’ level of expertise and available solutions.

    In a short time, but with the best results

    We can provide your employees with current and practical knowledge in just 3 hours.



    Ask about training

    Why is it worth choosing our “How to protect against hackers?” training?

    Practical knowledge
    Your employees will acquire skills that they will immediately use in their daily work
    Current topics
    The content of the training contains the most up-to-date level of knowledge
    Interesting form
    We conduct the training in an interesting, dynamic and engaging way (presentations of attacks, examples, quizzes)
    Various training modes
    We organize the training in a form convenient for you – stationary or online
    According to demand
    We can adapt the training to your requirements and the specifics of your organization

    Join the companies that have learned effective methods of recognizing and avoiding hacker attacks from us.

    For over 13 years, we have been managing security, taking care of our clients’ IT services’ resilience, and strengthening their competencies in cybersecurity. We support organizations of various industries, sectors, and sizes.

    We prepare our proprietary trainings based on the competencies and many years of experience of our experts and practitioners, who hold globally recognized certificates such as CISSP, CISM, CEH, and OSCP.

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    Sample training program

    We can adapt the training to the cybersecurity solutions and procedures implemented in your organization.

    Introduction to the mind of a cybercriminal

        • Who is attacking us and why – profile and motivations of the cybercriminal.
        • What threatens us? Main targets of cyber attacks.
        • How does the cybercriminal know our password? Methods of collecting information about the victim.
        • Practical aspects of cybersecurity and online behavior.

    Social engineering

        • Preventive techniques – how to protect yourself against social engineering attacks.
        • What do we (un)consciously share online?
        • How do you know when a cybercriminal is targeting you?
        • Attack and then what? Procedures after detecting an incident.
        • Presentation of real phishing attacks.
        • Phishing in practical examples and quizzes.

    Social media

        • Why should we change social media settings by default?
        • How to use social networking sites wisely and protect your privacy?
        • Phishing and identity theft – a real plague of social media.
        • Good practices in using social media.

    Malicious software

        • Most popular malware attacks.
        • What should you pay attention to in order not to fall victim to malicious malware?
        • Malicious link or file – can it be detected in advance?
        • Ransomware – how does it work and how to deal with it?
        • Malware campaigns in practical examples.

    Safe use of WiFi

        • What are the risks of connecting to open WiFi networks?
        • Safe use of a VPN service.

    Good practices in remote work

        • How to keep remote work safe?
        • Using privacy screens in public places.
        • Using the Internet while traveling.

    Other devices connected to the Internet

        • Routers – their correct configuration and safe using.
        • Big Brother is watching – webcam hacking.
        • Smart technology.
        • Internet is everywhere… hackers too. Do you know how to protect your children’s TV and toys?

    Password Policy

        • Why does a password policy have to be so restrictive?
        • No more remembering passwords? Using a password manager.
        • Supporting questions – how to choose them in the right way?
        • Multi-factor authentication is a must, not an option.

    Using your smartphone safely

        • Smartphone more dangerous than you think – threats lurking for users of mobile devices.
        • Regular updates as a method of defense against attacks.
        • Good practices in using a smartphone.

    Ask about training

    Do you have any questions? Contact us!